Hello, dear trivia lover (or fanatic)! Are you a fan of Greek mythology and its fascinating stories of gods, heroes, and monsters? If you subconsciously raised your hand, you’re in for a treat!
In this post, we’ve compiled a list of some of the most intriguing and challenging Greek mythology trivia questions and answers to test your knowledge and expand your understanding of this rich and complex mythology.
Here’s a sneak peek of some of the questions you’ll encounter: Who was the Greek god of wine and parties? What was the name of the hero who slayed the Minotaur in the Labyrinth? What was the name of the woman who opened Pandora’s Box and released all the evils into the world? Intrigued?
Let’s dive into the world of Greek mythology and see how much you really know!
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Greek Mythology Trivia Questions and Answers
What word, derived from the name of the Greek goddess of victory, is used to describe a type of athletic shoe brand?
Answer: Nike (from the Greek goddess Nike).
This goddess is the queen of the underworld, goddess of spring and vegetation, and is known for her beauty and connection to the cycles of life and death. Who is she?
Answer: Persephone.
This god is known for his arrow, which can make anyone fall in love. Who is he?
Answer: Eros.
In mythology, which person fell in love with his own reflection?
Answer: Narcissus.
Who is the god of the sea?
Answer: Poseidon.
What word, derived from the name of the Greek god of wine, is used to describe a type of party or celebration involving drinking and revelry?
Answer: Bacchanal (from the Greek god Bacchus).
What is the name of the three-headed dog that guards the underworld?
Answer: Cerberus.
What is the name of the goddess of love and beauty?
Answer: Aphrodite.
Whose story does this describe: He journeyed to the underworld to rescue his wife, Eurydice, who had died after being bitten by a snake. He was able to charm Hades with his music and convince him to release Eurydice back to the world of the living, but with the condition that he must not look back at her until they were both out of the underworld.
Answer: Orpheus.
Who is the god of wine and parties?
Answer: Dionysus.
What is the name of the god of war?
Answer: Ares.
What is the name of the creature with the body of a lion and the head of a human?
Answer: Sphinx.
What is the name of the goddess of wisdom and warfare?
Answer: Athena.

Who is the god of the sky and thunder?
Answer: Zeus.
Who was the wife of Zeus in Greek Mythology?
Answer: Hera.
What is the name of the god of the underworld?
Answer: Hades.
Endymion was a shepherd who caught the eye of the moon goddess, Selene. She was so enchanted by his beauty that she asked Zeus to grant him eternal youth and perpetual sleep, so that she could visit him every night without interruption. Zeus granted Selene’s request, and Endymion fell into an eternal slumber. Who put Endymion to sleep?
Answer: Hypnos.
The Parthenon was built as a temple for whom?
Answer: Athena.
____ was the goddess of love, beauty, and sexuality. She was one of the twelve Olympian gods and goddesses. Who was she?
Answer: Aphrodite.
In what famous story did Aphrodite play a key role in Greek mythology?
Answer: Aphrodite played a key role in the story of the Trojan War, where she sided with Paris and helped him win the love of Helen of Troy, which led to the ten-year war.
What was Aphrodite’s symbol in Greek mythology?
Answer: Aphrodite’s symbol was the dove, which represented love and peace.
What animal was sacred to Athena and often depicted with her in art?
Answer: The owl.
Who or what is Chaos in Greek mythology?
Answer: In Greek mythology, Chaos was the first primordial deity to emerge at the beginning of creation. Chaos was a void or formless state that existed before the universe and all the gods and goddesses. It was a vast, dark, and empty space that contained all the elements that would later form the universe, including earth, air, fire, and water.
What is the name of the winged horse in Greek mythology?
Answer: Pegasus.
Which of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World stood for the shortest period of time?
Answer: The Colossus of Rhodes (approximately 55 years).

Who was the Greek sun god that the Colossus of Rhodes was built to honor?
Answer: Helios.
Who was the Greek god of the sea, and what was his Roman counterpart?
Answer: The Greek god of the sea was Poseidon, and his Roman counterpart was Neptune.
Who was the Greek god of the sun, and what was his Roman counterpart?
Answer: The Greek god of the sun was Helios, and his Roman counterpart was Sol.
Who was the Greek god of war, and what was his Roman counterpart?
Answer: The Greek god of war was Ares, and his Roman counterpart was Mars.
Who was the Greek goddess of wisdom, and what was her Roman counterpart?
Answer: The Greek goddess of wisdom was Athena, and her Roman counterpart was Minerva.
____ is the god of commerce, thieves, and travelers and is known for his cunning and speed. Who is he?
Answer: Hermes.
What was the name of Hades’s wife in Greek mythology?
Answer: Hades’s wife was Persephone, the daughter of Demeter.
What is the name of the goddess of the hunt and the moon, known for her independence and fierce protectiveness?
Answer: Artemis.
What is the name of the creature with the head and body of a lion and the wings of an eagle?
Answer: Griffin.
In Greek mythology, which creature lived at the center of the Cretan Labyrinth?
Answer: Minotaur.
Aphrodite or Venus — which was Greek and which was Roman?
Answer: Aphrodite was a Greek goddess, Venus was a Roman goddess.
In the painting “The Birth of Venus,” what mythological creature is depicted carrying Venus to shore?
Answer: A seashell.
Which sculptor designed the Temple of Zeus which is now designated a Wonder of the World?
Answer: Phidias.
In the movie “Clash of the Titans,” what creature does Perseus defeat in order to save Andromeda?
Answer: The Kraken.
In the video game “God of War,” what creature does Kratos defeat in order to gain the power of this person’s gaze?
Answer: Medusa.
What creature is depicted on the Starbucks logo?
Answer: A Siren.
What is the name of the creature with the body of a lion, tail of a serpent, and the head of a goat?
Answer: Chimera.
What word, derived from the name of the Greek goddess of the moon, is used to describe a type of mental illness characterized by mood swings and emotional instability?
Answer: Lunatic (from the Greek goddess Luna).
What word, derived from the name of the Greek god of medicine, is used to describe a type of medical oath taken by doctors?
Answer: Hippocratic (from the Greek god Hippocrates).
Can you describe what a gorgon looks like?
Answer: Gorgons were portrayed as winged female creatures; their hair consisted of snakes, and they had brazen claws, the tusks of boars, and scaly skin.
What is the name of the goddess of the harvest?
Answer: Demeter.
____ journeyed to the underworld to rescue his mother, Semele, and used his powers of wine and ecstasy to charm and persuade him to release Semele.
Answer: Dionysus.
Who is the god of fire and metalworking?
Answer: Hephaestus.
This goddess’ image was frequently used on coins and other objects to commemorate military victories and athletic achievements. Who was it?
Answer: Nike.
Which two gods in Greek mythology are most closely associated with being the god of the sun?
Answer: Apollo and Helios.
While there are five rivers of the underworld, can you name just one of the rivers in the underworld?
Answer: Styx, Lethe, Acheron, Phlegethon, and Cocyton.
Who was the Greek god of witchcraft and magic?
Answer: Hecate.
What is the name of the monster with snakes for hair?
Answer: Medusa.
Who is the queen of the gods?
Answer: Hera.
What was Zeus’s role in the creation of the world, according to Greek mythology?
Answer: He was responsible for dividing up the world among the gods and mortals, and for maintaining order and justice.
Who was Zeus’ father?
Answer: Cronus.
This diety was often depicted as a dark, swirling mass of energy or as a shapeless void. Who were they?
Answer: Chaos. It was seen as a powerful and unpredictable force that could both create and destroy, and was often associated with the natural cycles of birth, death, and rebirth.
In the painting “The Garden of Earthly Delights,” what creature is depicted in the center panel?
Answer: A dragon.
The god of medicine, health, healing, rejuvenation and physicians is who?
Answer: Asclepius.
Often considered the ancestral mother of all life, this Greek goddess is the personification of the Earth and one of the Greek primordial deities.
Answer: Gaia (or Gaea).
Who was condemned to hold up the heavens or sky for eternity after the Titanomachy?
Answer: Atlas.
What word, derived from the name of the Greek goddess of love, is used to describe a type of feeling or emotion associated with love or desire?
Answer: Erotic (from the Greek goddess Eros).
Which of these is NOT one of the 12 Olympian gods/goddesses?
- Artemis
- Persephone
- Hephaestus
- Dionysus
Answer: Persephone.
Which of these is NOT one of the 12 Olympian gods/goddesses?
- Poseidon
- Demeter
- Hermes
- Hippocrates
Answer: Hippocrates.

What was the profession of Hippocrates?
Answer: He was a physician.
In the movie “Hercules,” what creature does Hercules defeat in order to save Megara?
Answer: The Hydra.
n the movie “Jason and the Argonauts,” what creature does Jason battle in order to obtain the Golden Fleece?
Answer: The Harpies.
What was Ares’s symbol in Greek mythology?
Answer: Ares’s symbol was the spear and shield, which represented his role as god of war.
According to legend, who were Ares’ parents in Greek mythology?
Answer: Ares’s parents were Zeus and Hera, the king and queen of the gods.
In the video game “God of War III,” what creature does Kratos defeat in order to gain the power of the Nemean Cestus?
Answer: The Nemean Lion.
In the painting “The Triumph of Bacchus,” what creature is depicted alongside Bacchus?
Answer: A panther.
What animal is Mr. Tumnus in The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe?
Answer: A faun.
Which god/goddess was the son of the god Apollo and the muse Calliope?
Answer: Orpheus.
What is the name of the god of love?
Answer: Eros.
What is the name of the god of the north wind?
Answer: Boreas.
Who is the god of the west wind?
Answer: Zephyrus.
This god/goddess is known for their physical deformity and skill as a blacksmith. Who are they?
Answer: Hephaestus.
Who is the goddess of the rainbow?
Answer: Iris.
Which mythological creature has the head of a bull and the body of a man?
Answer: Minotaur.
Persephone was the Greek Goddess of which season?
Answer: Spring.

Who is the god of music?
Answer: Orpheus.
Who is the god of sleep?
Answer: Hypnos.
What is the name of the goddess of victory?
Answer: Nike.
Mars, Jupiter, Mercury and Venus were gods of which ancient civilization?
Answer: Roman.
The mythical creature Faun is half man and half which animal?
Answer: Goat.
What is the name of the creature with the body of a horse and the upper body of a man? Answer: Centaur.
Which god, whose name starts with the letter P, is the Roman God of woods?
Answer: Petrus.
This god/goddess was often depicted as a winged figure holding a wreath or palm branch, and was associated with success in war, sports, and other competitive endeavors.
Answer: Nike.
According to legend, what happens to anyone who looks directly at Medusa’s face?
Answer: They are turned to stone.
What hero is famous for slaying Medusa?
Answer: Perseus.
Who was the Greek god of music and poetry?
Answer: Apollo.
Eos was the Greek Goddess of which time of day?
Answer: Dawn.
What was the name of the hero who slayed the Minotaur in the Labyrinth?
Answer: Theseus.
In the story of Perseus, what did he use to slay the Gorgon Medusa?
Answer: A reflective shield and a sword.
What was the name of the hero who sailed with the Argonauts to find the Golden Fleece?
Answer: Jason.
What was the name of the hero who was known for his incredible strength and performed 12 labors as punishment for his crimes?
Answer: Hercules (or Heracles).
In the story of Icarus and Daedalus, what did Icarus do that led to his downfall?
Answer: He flew too close to the sun, causing his wings to melt and him to fall into the sea.
What was the name of the woman who was transformed into a spider for boasting that she was a better weaver than the goddess Athena?
Answer: Arachne.
In the story of Pygmalion, what did the sculptor do to bring his statue to life?
Answer: He prayed to Aphrodite, who brought the statue to life as a woman named Galatea.
What was the name of the hero who was known for his cunning and trickery, and was the messenger of the gods?
Answer: Hermes.
In the story of Narcissus and Echo, what happened to Narcissus when he saw his own reflection in the water?
Answer: He fell in love with his own image and became so obsessed with it that he eventually died.
In what body of water is the Kraken said to dwell in Scandinavian folklore?
Answer: The North Atlantic.
According to legend, what happens when the Kraken surfaces from the depths of the sea?
Answer: It creates massive whirlpools and waves that can capsize ships.
After which mythological character was the drug morphine named?
Answer: Morpheus.
In the story of the Trojan War, what was the name of the Trojan prince who abducted Helen of Troy, leading to the war?
Answer: Paris.
In the story of the Odyssey, what was the name of the hero who spent 10 years trying to return home after the Trojan War?
Answer: Odysseus.
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