Budding zoologists and young animal lovers, this one’s for you! This article contains our favorite animal trivia questions with accompanying answers, curated just for kids!
In this post, we’re inviting you and the little ones to test your knowledge of the animal kingdom with questions about popular pets, wild animals, insects, and more.
We’ve got an easy round, medium round, hard round, and even a pop culture round featuring all the best animal characters from popular kids TV shows and movies!
So, why are we such huge fans of animal trivia? Well, it’s honestly a great way to learn about all the different animals that walk this wonderful planet Earth! It can be used as a fun way to teach kids about animals, or as a way to test your knowledge — even as an adult!
Whether your kids are aspiring zoologists or just love animal figurines and toys, these trivia questions are sure to stump ’em and educate ’em.
You ready? Let’s dive right into some good ol’ animal trivia then!
Before we get started — we invite you to bookmark or save some of these other fun trivia quizzes for later!
- 150+ Fun Animal Trivia Questions Perfect For The Whole Family
- 70 Fascinating Dog Trivia Questions And Answers
- 175 Fifth Grade Trivia Questions: Are YOU Smarter Than A 5th Grader?
- 165 Kids Movie Trivia Questions For Young Movie Buffs
- 101 Fun Multiple Choice Trivia Questions For Kids
Benefits Of Playing Trivia With Kids
Improved memory
Trivia games require kids to recall facts and information, which can help strengthen their memory skills. When kids play trivia games, they are presented with a wide range of information, from historical dates to scientific concepts, and they must remember these details in order to answer the questions correctly.
For example, a trivia question might ask, “What is the capital of Spain?” This question requires kids to recall the name of a city (Madrid) and associate it with a specific country. Even if they get it wrong this time around, they’ll be more likely to remember it for the future!
Increased knowledge
Trivia games can help kids learn new information about a variety of topics. By playing trivia games, kids can expand their knowledge of history, science, literature, and other subjects — they’ll likely learn about so MORE more things not covered in school!
Improved critical thinking
Trivia games can help kids develop their critical thinking skills by requiring them to analyze information and make connections between different pieces of knowledge.
For example, a trivia question might ask, “What is the smallest planet in our solar system?” This question requires kids to recall information about the planets and use that knowledge to identify the correct answer (Mercury).
Or, they might come across a tricky multiple-choice question and will be required to go through a process of elimination to get to the right answer!
Increased confidence
Trivia can help boost kids’ confidence by providing them with a sense of accomplishment and mastery when they answer questions correctly. When kids successfully answer a trivia question, they feel a sense of pride and accomplishment, which can help build their self-esteem.
Enhanced social skills
Trivia can be played with others, which can help kids develop their social skills by encouraging them to work together, communicate effectively, and practice good sportsmanship. When kids play trivia with others, they must learn to take turns, share information, and/or work together to answer questions if played in teams.
Quality time and bonding with parents/friends
This is perhaps our favorite on this list!
Playing trivia with your kids can help you build a stronger bond by providing a fun and engaging way to connect and share experiences. By playing trivia games together, you can learn more about each other’s interests, knowledge, and personality.
For example, you might discover that your child has a passion for science, or that they know more about pop culture than you do!
In addition to building a stronger bond, playing trivia with your kids can also help you create fun memories filled with laughter, excitement, and new learning. You gotta love that!
Animal Trivia Questions For Kids: Easy Round
What animal says “moo” and gives us milk?
Answer: Cow
What flying insect buzzes around flowers and collects nectar?
Answer: Bee
Which pet can often be found purring on your lap?
Answer: Cat
What bird is a symbol of wisdom and is often associated with Hogwarts in Harry Potter?
Answer: Owl
What animal swings from trees and has a long tail?
Answer: Monkey
What pet can be trained to sit, stay, and roll over?
Answer: Dog

What animal has a long neck and eats leaves from tall trees?
Answer: Giraffe
What is the name of the large, slow-moving mammal covered in bony plates?
Answer: Armadillo
What small, furry rodent is known for its long tail and love for cheese?
Answer: Mouse
What underwater creature has eight arms and squirts ink as a defense mechanism?
Answer: Octopus
What animal is often associated with Easter, lays eggs, and hops around?
Answer: Bunny/Rabbit
What small, colorful insect goes through a metamorphosis starting from a caterpillar?
Answer: Butterfly
Animal Trivia Questions For Kids: Medium Round

Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning they primarily require which type of food for their diet?
Answer: Meat
What bird is known for its ability to turn its head almost 360 degrees?
Answer: Owl
What bird is a symbol of peace and is often depicted carrying an olive branch?
Answer: Dove
What is the largest mammal on Earth?
Answer: Blue Whale
Do all ladybugs have spots?
Answer: No, some ladybugs have no spots at all.
Which animal is known as the “King of the Jungle”?
Answer: Lion
What pink-colored bird is known for its long neck and legs and can stand on one leg?
Answer: Flamingo
How many arms does a starfish usually have?
Answer: Five
Which animal can change its color to blend in with its surroundings?
Answer: Chameleon
What is the only mammal capable of flight?
Answer: Bat
What animal has a hump on its back and is known as the “ship of the desert”?
Answer: Camel

Which insect is known for its bright orange colored wings and can fly long distances during migration?
Answer: Monarch Butterfly
Which sea creature swims in an upright position?
Answer: Seahorse.
What is the world’s fastest land animal?
Answer: Cheetah
How many legs does a spider have?
Answer: Eight
Which animal is known for its black and white stripes and is native to Africa?
Answer: Zebra
Is a leopard in the dog family or the cat family?
Answer: Cat family
What is the world’s largest living reptile?
Answer: Saltwater Crocodile
What color is an albino crocodile?
Answer: White. This condition is caused by a genetic mutation that prevents the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for color in animals.
Which bird is known for its ability to mimic human speech?
Answer: Parrot
What is the largest living primate?
Answer: Gorilla
How many legs does a bee have?
Answer: Six
Which animal is the symbol of Australia and is known for carrying its baby in a pouch?
Answer: Kangaroo
Which animal has a long, flexible trunk and large, floppy ears?
Answer: Elephant

Which continent is home to the kangaroo?
Answer: Australia
How many arms does a squid typically have?
Answer: Ten. Squids have eight arms and two longer tentacles, technically bringing their total appendages to ten.
Which bird is known for its ability to hover in mid-air while feeding on nectar?
Answer: Hummingbird
How many bones do sharks have in total?
Answer: 0.
What do you call a baby cow?
Answer: A calf.
What is the only big cat that cannot roar?
Answer: Cheetah
How many legs does a crab have?
Answer: Ten
What is the more popular term used to describe Dachshunds?
Answer: Weiner dog.
Which animal is known for its ability to play dead when threatened?
Answer: Opossum
What color is a polar bear’s fur?

Answer: Transparent. Polar bears are not really white. Their fur is actually transparent.
Are an ostrich’s eyes bigger or smaller than its brain?
Answer: Bigger
Do bats have thumbs?
Answer: Yes
Which marine mammal is known for its playful behavior and is often seen jumping out of the water?
Answer: Dolphin
Which animal is known for its long neck and spots and is native to Africa?
Answer: Giraffe
What is the largest living land carnivore?
Answer: Polar Bear
How many legs does a millipede have?
Answer: Many (often more than 100), and the number of pairs of legs generally ranges between 40 and 400.

Which type of bear is known for its black and white color and can be found snacking on bamboo?
Answer: Panda
What is the only mammal that can fly backward?
Answer: Hummingbird
What is the world’s largest living turtle?
Answer: Leatherback Sea Turtle
How many legs does an ant have?
Answer: Six
Which tree-loving animal is known for its ability to glide from tree to tree using a membrane of skin?
Answer: Flying Squirrel
Which part of an elephant’s body has the most muscles?
Answer: Trunk.
How do prairie dogs greet each other?
Answer: By kissing.
Animal Trivia Questions For Kids: Hard Round

Which marine animal is often called the “gentle giant” and is the largest fish in the ocean?
Answer: Whale Shark
What is the main diet of the mole?
Answer: Earthworms.
What are the three species of elephants in the world?
Answer: African Savanna (Bush), African Forest, and Asian. Originally, we had what we knew as the African Elephant and the Asian Elephant. Following new genetic research, the African elephant was recently split into two different species, the African forest elephant and the African savanna elephant.
What sense don’t dolphins have?
Answer: Smell.
What is the only mammal capable of laying eggs?
Answer: Platypus
Which animal has a long, prehensile tongue and feeds on ants and termites?
Answer: Anteater

What is the world’s largest rodent?
Answer: Capybara
How many legs does a lobster have?
Answer: Ten
In humans, there are seven bones that make up the neck. How many bones are there in a giraffe’s neck?
Answer: Seven
Which marine animals lay the biggest eggs in the world?
Answer: Sharks
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What are male rhinos and female elephants called?
Answer: Bulls and cows, respectively
Do starfish have brains and blood?
Answer: No, they have neither
How quickly can baby elephants stand after being born?
Answer: Within 20 minutes
What do rats do when being tickled?
Answer: They laugh! Like us.
How fast can a hummingbird’s wings beat to hover?
Answer: Up to 200 times per second
Why might you not feel a vampire bat’s bite?
Answer: Their saliva dulls pain
What percentage of DNA do humans share with chimpanzees?
Answer: 98.8%
How long is a chameleon’s tongue compared to its body — longer, shorter, or about the same?
Answer: As long as its body
What are hippos’ closest living relatives?
Answer: Whales, dolphins, and porpoises
How many offspring do nine-banded armadillos give birth to?
Answer: 4. Nine-banded armadillos always give birth to identical quadruplets.
What mammal has the densest fur?
Answer: Sea otters
Do both male and female pigeons produce milk for their babies?
Answer: Yes
What is the world’s largest living bird?
Answer: Ostrich
What is the world’s largest living invertebrate?
Answer: Colossal Squid or the Giant Squid
Catfish have taste buds on their ___.
Answer: Whiskers
How many hours does a koala usually sleep?
Answer: Koalas sleep for 18 to 22 hours a day.
In Thailand, which animal’s poop is used to make paper?
Answer: Elephants. It’s called Elephant POOPOOPAPER!
Why can otters be seen holding hands?
Answer: Otters hold hands while they sleep so none of them get lost.
How many eyes does a bee have?
Answer: 5. Bees have five eyes – two in the front and three small eyes on top of their heads.
True or false: Cows can walk up the stairs but cannot walk down the stairs.
Answer: True.
What animal species is the only male that gets pregnant?
Answer: Seahorse.
Alpacas are very similar to, and often confused with which animals?
Answer: Llamas.
Animal Trivia Questions: Pop Culture Round
What type of fish is Nemo in the movie “Finding Nemo”?
Answer: A clownfish
In the animated movie “The Lion King,” what type of animal is Timon?
Answer: Meerkat
What is the name of the blue, forgetful fish in the movie “Finding Nemo”?
Answer: Dory
In the Pokémon series, what type of Pokémon is Pikachu?
Answer: Electric
In the movie “Madagascar,” what type of animal is Marty, voiced by Chris Rock?
Answer: Zebra
Two characters of Mickey Mouse’s crew of friends are dogs. What are their names?
Answer: Goofy and Pluto.
What dog breed is Scooby Doo?
Answer: Great Dane.
What is the name of the animated rat chef in the movie “Ratatouille”?
Answer: Remy
What popular kid’s cartoon series features a character named Sharko, who constantly protects Marina from a hyena’s schemes?
Answer: Zig and Sharko
In the TV series “SpongeBob SquarePants,” what is the name of Sandy Cheeks’ pet?
Answer: Wormy (Sandy’s pet caterpillar)
What type of animal is the character Alex in the animated movie “Madagascar”?
Answer: Lion
In the film “Moana,” what kind of animal is Moana’s sidekick, Pua?
Answer: Pig
What is the name of the horse in the animated movie “Tangled”?
Answer: Maximus
And that about wraps up our kid-friendly animal trivia quiz! We hope you and the kiddos had fun with this trivia!
If you enjoyed reading this article, check out some of our other animal-themed trivia topics and quizzes!

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