All About The Holidays: 140 Trivia Questions and Answers

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Welcome to our latest and greatest post, all about the holidays! If you’re a fan of festive trivia celebrating all the special events throughout the calendar year, then you’re in for a treat.

In this post, we’re going to be covering Christmas and Thanksgiving to Valentine’s Day and St. Patrick’s Day — and everything else in between! We hope you know a thing or two about important holidays around the world, too!

We’ve got questions about traditions, the history behind them, popular foods eaten during these special days, and more.

Whether you’re a holiday fanatic or just looking to learn a little bit more about these special days worth celebrating, we’ve got you covered.

So grab your friends/family, sit back, and get ready to test your knowledge of these beloved holidays. Let’s dive in!

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Before you dive into all the fun, we invite you to bookmark or save some of these other related trivia quizzes for later! There is no end to the trivia fun!

All About The Holidays: Trivia Questions and Answers

What does Santa leave in a naughty child’s stocking?

Answer: A lump of coal.

What is the purpose of the Elf on the Shelf?

Answer: A Christmas tradition where a special scout is sent to kids’ homes from the North Pole to encourage them to behave.

Elf On The Shelf - Christmas Trivia Questions and Answers

You may also like: 85 Christmas Trivia Questions and Answers (Free Printable)

In what year was the first Earth Day celebrated?

Answer: 1970

Is Father’s Day celebrated on the first, second, or third Sunday of June?

Answer: The third Sunday in June.

Fill in the blank: Earth Day originated in the ___ but became recognized worldwide by 1990.

Answer: USA.

Which countries are the first to ring in the New Year due to its location near the International Date Line?

Answer: Tonga, Samoa, and Kiribati.

What is the name of the song traditionally sung at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve?

Answer: “Auld Lang Syne

Which iconic film popularized the modern visual image of the witch, with flowing robes, a pointed hat, and a hooked nose?

AnswerThe Wizard of Oz.

According to the quirky song, which family is said to be “creepy, kooky, mysterious, and spooky”?

Answer: The Addams Family.

Which animal is often associated with witches and Halloween?

Answer: Black cat.

What holiday is celebrated on the Monday after Thanksgiving each year?

Answer: Cyber Monday.

Can you list some of the ingredients that Thanksgiving stuffing or dressing is made of?

Answer: A combination of bread or breadcrumbs, onions, celery, herbs (such as sage, thyme, and parsley), butter or oil, and seasonings.

What is the name of the traditional Thanksgiving drink made from spiced wine and fruit?

Answer: Mulled wine

The Monday before Mardi Gras is called what?

Answer: Lundi Gras.

What is the flower traditionally associated with Father’s Day?

Answer: The rose. Red roses are the official flower of Father’s Day.

What is the traditional gift for fathers in Germany on Father’s Day?

Answer: Beer. The public holiday means a day off work and a chance for men to act like boys. Known as Vatertag (also Männertag), it involves drinking lots of beer, riding a beer bike, and doing other beer-related activities!

Where in the USA does the famous ball drop event take place at midnight on New Year’s Eve?

Answer: Times Square, New York City.

What Christmas-themed Tchaikovsky ballet accounts for nearly half the annual revenue of many dance companies?

Answer: The Nutcracker.

Which New York City parade, 260 years old in 2022, is always led by the 69th Infantry Regiment?

Answer: St. Patrick’s Day Parade.

Which celebrity was NOT in the 2010 movie Valentine’s Day — Bradley Cooper, Julia Roberts, Taylor Swift, or Harry Styles?

Answer: Harry Styles.

It is thought that Valentine’s Day originated from the Roman festival of Lupercalia, held on February 15th. What happens during this festival?

Answer: The men stripped naked and spanked young maidens in the hopes of increasing their fertility.

Beef stew is a well-known menu dish for which holiday?

Answer: St. Patricks Day.

Pumpkin Pie

Green bean casserole, stuffing, and pumpkin pie are usually on most Americans’ menus for which holiday?

Answer: Thanksgiving.

In the U.S., which celebration features a cinnamon-like cake with a plastic baby hidden in the center?

Answer: Mardi Gras.

What is the chick-shaped marshmallow candy sold at Easter called?

Answer: Peeps.

Roasted chestnuts, honey-glazed ham, fruitcakes, gingerbread cookies, and eggnog are popular traditions for which holiday?

Answer: Christmas.

Samhain is a celebration that’s most closely associated with which common holiday?

Answer: Halloween.

While Mischief Night is most commonly associated with Halloween, what season did it originally take place in?

Answer: Spring. Commonly celebrated in England, Ireland, and Scotland in centuries past, Mischief Night was once part of the festivities welcoming spring. Originally, May Day Eve (aka April 30) was a night when children bid the winter months goodbye with hijinks and devilment.

“Laissez les bon temps rouler” is a popular saying for which holiday?

Answer: Mardi Gras. 

Mardi Gras Trivia Questions and Answers

Read More: 30 Fun Mardi Gras Trivia Questions (Free Printable!)

In which country is the New Year’s Eve celebration known as Hogmanay?

Answer: Scotland.

What is the name of the traditional Japanese New Year’s Day celebration?

Answer: Shogatsu.

“Chestnuts roasting on an open fire…” Which holiday is this song lyric associated with?

Answer: Christmas.

“Monster Mash” was released in 1962 by which group?

Answer: Bobby “Boris” Pickett and The Crypt-Kickers.

Which vegetable was traditionally carved during the early days of Halloween?

Answer: Turnips.

What is the significance of the color red on Juneteenth?

Answer: The color red is often used to symbolize the blood shed by enslaved people in their struggle for freedom.

Which U.S. President signed a bill making Juneteenth a federal holiday?

Answer: Joe Biden.

Every year on Valentine’s Day, people send thousands of Valentines letters to this fictional character with a Verona, Italy address. Who is he/she?

Answer: Juliet from Romeo and Juliet.

“Over the river and through the woods, to grandmother’s house we go…” Which holiday is this song lyric associated with?

Answer: Thanksgiving (“Over the River and Through the Woods”).

“You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout, I’m telling you why…” What is the name of this Christmas song?

Answer: “Santa Claus is Coming to Town”.

“This is Halloween, this is Halloween, pumpkins scream in the dead of night…” What movie does this song originate from?

Answer: The Nightmare Before Christmas.

Which historic document did the United States declare its independence through on July 4, 1776?

Answer: The Declaration of Independence.

Who is Valentine’s Day named after?

Answer: Saint Valentine of Rome.

What is the date of Mother’s Day in the United States?

Answer: The second Sunday of May.

In which country was the first modern Mother’s Day celebrated?

Answer: The United States.

This special event during the year is celebrated with balls, parties and parades with floats and costumed dancers. What is it?

Answer: Carnival / Mardi Gras.

Renée Zellweger is forced to choose between two handsome potential suitors, Colin Firth and Hugh Grant, in this British romantic comedy. What is this movie called?

Answer: Bridget Jones’s Diary.

April Fools’ celebrations last two days in which UK country?

Answer: Scotland. In Scotland, April Fools’ is also called “Huntegowk,” a day where “gowks” (the Scottish word for cuckoo birds) are sent on phony errands. The second day of celebrations, called Tailie Day, is a bit more mischievous when tails or “kick me” notes are placed on people’s backsides.

“I put a spell on you, and now you’re mine…” Which holiday is this song lyric associated with?

Answer: Halloween (“I Put a Spell on You” by Screamin’ Jay Hawkins).

Dog Ghost Costume - Halloween Trivia Questions For Kids

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    During what year did Google release the mind-reading “MentalPlex” search tool, its first April Fools’ prank?

    Answer: 2000.

    An 1878 newspaper hoax reported Thomas Edison’s newest invention could turn what into food and wine?

    Answer: Dirt.

    This “holiday” includes traditions of feasting and masquerades. What is this annual tradition?

    Answer: Mardi Gras.

    Breaking the wishbone for good luck is a tradition for which holiday?

    Answer: Thanksgiving.

    What household danger triples on Thanksgiving? 

    Answer: Home fires. There are more than three times the daily average calls about home cooking fires on Thanksgiving Day!

    Tofurky is a popular alternative for vegetarians and vegans during Thanksgiving. What is Tofurky made of?

    Answer: Tofurkey is typically made from a blend of tofu and seasoned wheat protein.

    Which famous magician died on Halloween in 1926?

    Answer: Harry Houdini.

    The poinsettia plant originates from which country?

    Answer: Mexico.

    How many reindeer pull Santa’s sleigh (including Rudolph)?

    Answer: 9.

    Which one of Santa’s reindeer shares its name with another famous holiday character?

    Answer: Cupid.

    What is the significance of the Juneteenth holiday?

    Answer: Juneteenth is a holiday commemorating the end of slavery in the United States.

    What date is Juneteenth celebrated?

    Answer: June 19th.

    What holiday is celebrated on the third Monday in January each year?

    Answer: Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

    What holiday is celebrated on the third Monday in February each year?

    Answer: Presidents’ Day.

    What holiday is celebrated on the last Monday in May each year?

    Answer: Memorial Day.

    Who is the patron saint of fathers?

    Answer: Saint Joseph

    What is Father’s Day in Mexico called?

    Answer: Día del Padre

    Black Day is a Korean love holiday for singles — what can you typically find singles eating on this day?

    Answer: Jajangmyeon (black bean noodles).

    Which European country celebrates “Friend’s Day” rather than Valentine’s Day?

    Answer: Finland.

    In the abbreviation “XOXO,” what do “X” and “O” stand for?

    Answer: The “X” stands for kisses, and the “O” stands for hugs.

    “My funny valentine, sweet comic valentine, you make me smile with my heart…” Who is the artist of this song?

    Answer: Frank Sinatra (“My Funny Valentine” by Frank Sinatra).

    In the song “Frosty the Snowman,” what article of clothing made Frosty come to life?

    Answer: Old silk hat.

    A central item in Kwanzaa traditions, the kinara holds one black, three red, and three green of what item?

    Answer: Candles.

    Which holiday is known as the “Festival of Lights”?

    Answer: Diwali.

    During Diwali, people light lamps and candles to symbolize the victory of light over darkness and good over evil. What are these lamps called?

    Answer: The lamps lit during Diwali are called “diyas” or “deepas.”

    Which celebrity was NOT born on Halloween day — Willow Smith, Vanilla Ice, Usher, or Rob Schneider?

    Answer: Usher — his birthday is on October 14th.

    In which city does the annual Village Halloween Parade take place?

    Answer: New York City.

    Which Thanksgiving parade is the largest and most famous, attracting 2 to 3 million spectators along its 2.5-mile route and drawing an enormous television audience each year?

    Answer: Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.

    Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade

    What holiday is celebrated on the first Monday in September each year?

    Answer: Labor Day.

    What holiday is celebrated on November 11th in the US?

    Answer: Veterans Day.

    Which country’s equivalent of Thanksgiving is Erntedankfest (“harvest festival of thanks”)?

    Answer: Germany. This religious holiday often takes place on the first Sunday in October.

    What holiday is celebrated on the last Monday in May in Canada?

    Answer: Victoria Day.

    What flower is traditionally given to mothers on Mother’s Day?

    Answer: The carnation.

    What date is International Women’s Day celebrated?

    Answer: March 8.

    What is the name of the annual running race held on Thanksgiving Day in the United States?

    Answer: Turkey Trot.

    What is the name of the day that follows Black Friday and encourages people to support small businesses?

    Answer: Small Business Saturday.

    Which NFL football team has played at home on Thanksgiving every year since 1934 — except when games were paused from 1939 to 1944 during World War II?

    Answer: The Detroit Lions. Thanksgiving Day football games started as a way to promote the sport across Detroit, a city that was obsessed with the sport of baseball.

    If you’re born on Christmas Day, what’s your star sign?

    Answer: Capricorn.

    Which year did the United States declare its independence from Great Britain?

    Answer: July 4, 1776.

    Who wrote the Declaration of Independence, which was adopted on July 4, 1776?

    Answer: Thomas Jefferson.

    In this beloved Christmas film, a young boy accidentally summons a group of boisterous and mischievous holiday creatures who wreak havoc on his family’s home. Can you name this movie?

    Answer: Gremlins (1984)

    For Halloween in 2016, McDonald’s released an odd dish: French fries covered in chocolate and pumpkin flavoring. In what single country could you have gotten this?

    Answer: Japan.

    In Mean Girls, Lindsay Lohan’s character Cady wears what type of costume to the Halloween party?

    Answer: The bride of Frankenstein.

    Who is the Nutcracker’s enemy?

    Answer: The King Of Mice.

    Nutcracker - Christmas Trivia Questions and Answers

    Which character declares “Merry Christmas, one and all!” in Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol?

    Answer: Tiny Tim.

    Which religious group primarily celebrates Hanukkah?

    Answer: Hanukkah is primarily celebrated by the Jewish community.

    During Hanukkah, a special candleholder with how many branches is used?

    Answer: During Hanukkah, a special candleholder called a “menorah” with nine branches is used.

    Which country celebrates the Songkran festival as its traditional New Year’s celebration?

    Answer: Thailand.

    In the Bible, how many days passed between Jesus’ death and resurrection?

    Answer: Three.

    What is the Spanish phrase for ‘Holy Week’?

    Answer: Semana Santa.

    In which country is Easter NOT a national holiday: United Kingdom, Spain, Ghana, or United States?

    Answer: United States.

    How many ghosts appear in A Christmas Carol?

    Answer: Four.

    In the Disney movie Halloweentown, what is the name of the main character who discovers she comes from a family of witches?

    Answer: Marnie Piper.

    This heartwarming film follows the story of a kind-hearted creature named Jack Skellington who, despite being different from others, brings joy and happiness to the Christmas celebrations of an entire town. What is the title of this movie?

    Answer: The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)

    What two traditional foods have become a St. Patrick’s Day staple for Irish Americans?

    Answer: Corned beef and cabbage.

    What beverage is the most widely consumed beverage on St. Patrick’s Day?

    Answer: Beer (specifically Guinness!).

    Chicago River - St Patrick's Day Trivia Quiz

    This US city has been celebrating St. Patrick by dumping green dye into their river since 1962. Which city is this?

    Answer: Chicago, IL.

    Which holiday is known as the “Feast of Sacrifice” and is celebrated by Muslims worldwide?

    Answer: Eid al-Adha.

    Can you list at least one of the countries that celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival?

    Answer: The Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated in various Asian countries, including China, Vietnam, and Taiwan.

    In this Thanksgiving-themed comedy, a well-meaning but clumsy dad attempts to prepare a traditional turkey dinner, leading to a series of hilarious misadventures. Can you guess the movie?

    Answer: Planes, Trains & Automobiles (1987)

    In this romantic comedy set around Valentine’s Day, multiple love stories intertwine as characters played by the likes of Julia Roberts, Jamie Foxx, Anne Hathaway, and Jessica Alba navigate their relationships and search for true love in the bustling city of Los Angeles. What is the title of this movie?

    Answer: Valentine’s Day (2010)

    Dia De Los Muertos

    In Mexico, which holiday taking place on November 1 is celebrated with vibrant parades, music, and decorative skulls?

    Answer: Día de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead.

    What is the most popular chocolate given out in England during Easter?

    Answer: Cadbury Creme Eggs.

    This event has been celebrated by the presidents of the United States and their families since 1878. What is it?

    Answer: “The White House Easter Egg Roll”.

    This classic Christmas movie tells the tale of a young boy who embarks on a magical adventure to the North Pole aboard a magical train, where he learns the true spirit of Christmas. Can you name this film?

    Answer: The Polar Express (2004)

    This Christmas comedy follows the hilarious escapades of a man who accidentally kills Santa Claus on Christmas Eve and must take over his duties to save Christmas. Can you guess the movie?

    Answer: The Santa Clause (1994)

    Shortbread is traditionally made before Christmas, where does it originate from?

    Answer: Scotland.

    Fruitcake originated from what ancient country?

    Answer: Egypt.

    What country invented egg nog?

    Answer: England.

    In this kid-friendly Thanksgiving-themed animated film, a mismatched group of animals embarks on an adventurous journey to prevent their human friend’s farm from being taken over by greedy developers. What is the name of this movie?

    Answer: Free Birds (2013)

    From the bottom to the top, what is the order of the colors on a piece of candy corn?

    Answer: Yellow, orange, white.

    Why are eggs associated with Easter?

    Answer: Eggs are associated with Easter because they symbolize new life. For Christians, Easter eggs are used as a symbol of the resurrection of Jesus.

    What animal is commonly associated with Easter?

    Answer: Bunny (or rabbit).

    Easter Trivia Questions and Answers

    You may also like: 62 Easter Trivia Questions and Answers (Free Printable)

    “Mele Kalikimaka” means Merry Christmas in which language?

    Answer: Hawaiian.

    Which bread is eaten in Italy at Christmas time?

    Answer: Panettone.

    What is the Japanese holiday called where families honor and pay respects to their ancestors?

    Answer: Obon.

    Which holiday is celebrated in Japan by viewing cherry blossoms and having outdoor picnics?

    Answer: Hanami.

    Which two of Santa’s reindeer share names with meteorological terms?

    Answer: Donner and Blitzen (meaning ‘thunder’ and ‘lightning’ in German).

    Visiting which fast-food joint has become a Christmas tradition in Japan?

    Answer: KFC.

    KFC Fast Food Trivia

    What’s the day before Good Friday called?

    Answer: Maundy Thursday.

    When is St. Patrick’s Day celebrated?

    Answer: St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated on March 17th.

    What landmark building’s fountain, located on the South Lawn, has spouted green water every year since 2009 for St. Patrick’s Day?

    Answer: The White House.

    Served at Christmas in France a ‘marron glace’ is a candied what?

    Answer: Chestnut.

    What is the traditional Chinese holiday that marks the beginning of the Chinese lunar calendar?

    Answer: The Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, signifies the start of the Chinese lunar calendar.

    On which holiday do people in China light lanterns, set off fireworks, and exchange small gifts to celebrate the end of the Lunar New Year festivities?

    Answer: The Lantern Festival marks the end of the Lunar New Year celebrations in China.

    What is the significance of Palm Sunday?

    Answer: The holiday that marks the beginning of Holy Week. It commemorates Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem when he was greeted with palm branches.

    What is the traditional greeting used during the Jewish holiday of Passover?

    Answer: “Chag Sameach”, meaning “Happy Holidays”.

    How do you say “Happy Birthday” in Spanish?

    Answer: “Feliz cumpleaños”.

    Which holiday is observed by Muslims worldwide and involves fasting from sunrise to sunset as a demonstration of self-discipline and devotion?

    Answer: Ramadan.

    Which holiday in Sweden is celebrated by dancing around a maypole, singing traditional songs, and enjoying traditional food?

    Answer: Midsummer, or Midsommar.

    Which holiday in India involves the throwing of colored powders and water, creating a lively and colorful atmosphere?

    Answer: Holi.

    Which holiday is celebrated in Brazil with lively parades, vibrant costumes, and samba music?

    Answer: Carnaval, also known as Mardi Gras.

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      Elle Liang

      Elle is a travel blogger and entertainment publisher by day and a trivia fanatic by night. Her favorite hobbies include hiking mountains, traveling anywhere in the world, watching documentaries, playing bingo, and brushing up on world knowledge through games like Trivial Pursuit.

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