Earth Day is an important time to take a moment and celebrate the planet we call home. Every year on April 22nd, people from all corners of the globe come together to recognize the importance of protecting our environment.
If you’re looking for a fun and interactive way to celebrate Earth Day then these trivia questions and answers are just what you need!
With questions ranging from climate change and endangered species to environmental conservation and sustainable development, these trivia questions will help you test your knowledge and perhaps teach you something new!
Get ready to show your appreciation for the Earth and have fun doing it.
Don’t miss our eco-friendly tips and tricks at the end of this post, so you can learn how you can help better the planet too!
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Earth Day Trivia Questions: General Knowledge

When is Earth Day celebrated?
Answer: April 22nd
In what year was the first Earth Day celebrated?
Answer: 1970
Which former politician narrated the Oscar-winning 2006 documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, which warns about climate change?
Answer: Al Gore
Fill in the blank: Earth Day originated in the ___ but became recognized worldwide by 1990.
Answer: USA
Who founded Earth Day?
Answer: Senator Gaylord Nelson, a senator from Wisconsin
How many countries celebrate Earth Day?
Answer: More than 190 countries
What is the official name for Earth Day given by the United Nations in 2009?
Answer: International Mother Earth Day
True or false: Earth Day has its own theme song.
Answer: True, you can find it here. It has been translated in dozens of languages, including all official United Nations languages.
What form of plastic pollution is most common in the world today?
- a) Air
- b) Marine
- c) Terrestrial
- d) All of the above
Answer: c) Terrestrial.
Trivia Fact
Terrestrial microplastic pollution is the most prevalent form of plastic pollution— estimated at 4 to 23 times higher than marine plastic pollution. The amount of plastic waste found on land is weighed at millions of tons.
How much daily-use plastic is actually recycled?
- a) 70%
- b) 45%
- c) 14%
- d) 9%
Answer: d) 9%. Only 9% of the plastic we discard every day is recycled or incinerated in waste-to-energy facilities. Much of it ends up in landfills, where it may take up to 1,000 years to degrade, leaching potentially toxic substances into the soil and water.
How many liters of water does it take to make 1 pair of jeans?
- a) 78 liters
- b) 430 liters
- c) 1470 liters
- d) 3780 liters
Answer: d) 3780 liters. It takes 3,781 liters of water to make one pair of jeans, from the production of the cotton to the delivery of the finished garment to a store. Textile manufacturing uses 20% of the world’s clean water each year.
What percentage of clothing is recycled? Take a wild guess.
Answer: Less than 1% of clothing is recycled. The repurposing of textiles is often incorrectly referred to as recycling. They are actually reused by being broken down and made into new products, often insulation or stuffing materials.
What is the name of the show where actor Zac Efron journeys around the world with a wellness expert who explores healthy, sustainable ways to live?
Answer: Down To Earth
What is the significance of the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation?
Answer: It supports over 35 innovative conservation projects around the world that protect fragile ecosystems and key species. Through grantmaking, public campaigns, and media projects, the actor has worked to bring attention and funding to the protection of biodiversity, ocean and forest conservation, and climate change.
Large-scale commercial fishing can harm whales through the depletion of fish in the ecosystem and they often become victims of by-catch when they become entangled in the gear and nets of commercial fishing, leading to suffocation and prolonged injuries. What can we do as consumers to help?
Answer: By purchasing sustainable seafood, we can help prevent further harm to whales. To identify seafood that’s been sourced sustainably, look for labels from the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) or Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) on the packaging.
Palm oil is in so many things — instant noodles, packaged bread, chocolate, detergent, shampoo. Large-scale illegal and unsustainable production of palm oil has led to problems like haze and deforestation in countries like Indonesia and Malaysia, the world’s largest producers of palm oil. Which endangered animal is this detrimentally impacting?
Answer: Orangutans. Their populations have dropped significantly due to habitat loss. The Bornean orangutan, native to the island of Borneo in Southeast Asia, has lost more than half of its population — 150,000 — since 1999.
Today, out of the seven species of this animal, the green, leatherback and hawksbill are classified as endangered in the United States, while the loggerhead and olive ridley are classified as threatened. What animal are we referring to?
Answer: Sea turtles.
Earth Day Trivia Questions: Celebrating Our Beautiful Planet

What is the name of the largest glacier in the world?
Answer: The Lambert Glacier
What is the name of the highest mountain in the world?
Answer: Mount Everest
Yellowstone National Park is located in which US state?
Answer: Wyoming
Which state has the most national parks, with nine in total so far?
Answer: California
What is the name of the world’s largest coral reef system?
Answer: Great Barrier Reef
What is the name of the highest mountain peak in North America?
Answer: Denali (formerly known as Mount McKinley)
The iconic Hoh Rain Forest is part of which national park in the United States?
Answer: Olympic National Park.

Yosemite National Park was a beautiful inspiration to many artists and photographers, but no one captured images of the park as well as the famous photographer _____. He has become symbolic of Yosemite.
Answer: Ansel Adams.
Who was the only American president to work as a national park ranger?
Answer: Gerald Ford.
What is the name of the world’s largest desert?
Answer: Sahara Desert
What is the name of the highest waterfall in the world?
Answer: Angel Falls. This massive waterfall in Venezuela is the world’s tallest uninterrupted waterfall on land, with a height of 979 meters (3,212 ft).
What is the name of the world’s largest salt flat, located in Bolivia?
Answer: Salar de Uyuni
What percentage of the world’s water is saltwater?
Answer: Approximately 97%
What percentage of the world’s water is freshwater?
Answer: Approximately 3%
What is the largest rainforest in the world?
Answer: The Amazon Rainforest
When a town or area is considered a Certified IDA International Dark Sky Community, what does that mean?
Answer: It is a town, city, or community that has shown exceptional dedication to the preservation of the night sky through the implementation and enforcement of a quality outdoor lighting ordinance, dark sky education, and citizen support of dark skies.

Of the following parks, which is the largest — Death Valley, Yellowstone, or Grand Canyon?
Answer: Death Valley National Park.
What is the layer in the Earth’s stratosphere that is responsible for absorbing most of the ultraviolet radiation reaching the earth from the sun?
Answer: The Ozone Layer
What is the name of the largest marine mammal?
Answer: Blue whale
What does greenwashing in the fashion world refer to?
Answer: Claims of environmental sustainability by a brand that are false or misleading.
Which of the following fabrics releases microplastics when it’s washed?
- a) Cotton
- b) Silk
- c) Polyester
- d) Wool
Answer: c) Polyester
Instead of throwing out unwanted clothing and contributing to textile waste, what can you do instead?
- a) Donate them to charities and shelters
- b) Repurpose them as rags
- c) Repair or alter them into something wearable, like cutting jeans into shorts, shirts into crop tops and tanks, etc.
- d) All of the above
Answer: All of the above
Earth Day Trivia Questions: Understanding Our Impact
What is the name of the international agreement aimed at combating climate change?
Answer: The Paris Agreement
Why should you always cut up six-pack rings (the plastic that holds cans together)?
Answer: This lowers the risk of animals getting entangled in it.
What type of sunscreen should you use when swimming in tropical destinations where coral reefs are prevalent? What elements should they NOT contain?
Answer: Reef-safe sunscreen. They should not have oxybenzone and octinoxate.
Which country produces the most greenhouse gas emissions?
Answer: China
What is the name of the largest ocean garbage patch?
Answer: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
What is the primary cause of global warming?
Answer: Human activities, such as burning fossil fuels

What is the term used to describe the process by which trees convert carbon dioxide into oxygen?
Answer: Photosynthesis
What is the name of the hole in the Earth’s ozone layer?
Answer: The Ozone Hole
What is the primary cause of the hole in the ozone layer?
Answer: The release of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
What is the term used to describe the loss of species and habitats due to human activities?
Answer: Biodiversity loss
What is the name of the oil spill that occurred in 1989 and caused massive environmental damage in Alaska?
Answer: Exxon Valdez oil spill
What is the name of the nuclear power plant explosion that occurred in 1986 in Ukraine?
Answer: Chernobyl disaster
What is the name of the oil spill that occurred in 2010 and caused massive environmental damage in the Gulf of Mexico?
Answer: Deepwater Horizon oil spill
What is the name of the nuclear power plant explosion that occurred in 2011 in Japan?
Answer: Fukushima disaster
Earth Day Trivia Questions: Endangered Species / Conservation Efforts

What is the name of the conservation organization that uses a giant panda as its symbol?
Answer: World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
A zoo or aquarium that is dedicated to the advancement of conservation, education, science, and recreation will be ____-accredited.
Answer: AZA (Association of Zoos and Aquariums). AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums meet the highest standards in animal care and welfare and provide a fun, safe, and educational family experience.
Which animal is NOT an endangered species: orangutan, polar bear, giant panda, or black rhino?
Answer: Giant Panda (this was sort of a trick question). Thankfully, wild panda numbers are finally rebounding after years of decline. Recently, the International Union for Conservation of Nature announced that pandas have been upgraded from “endangered” to “vulnerable”
What is the name of the endangered species of rhinoceros with one horn?
Answer: The Javan rhinoceros
What is the name of the largest living reptile species?
Answer: Saltwater crocodile
What is the name of the organization dedicated to protecting marine species and habitats?
Answer: Oceana
What is the name of the conservation organization dedicated to protecting migratory birds and their habitats?
Answer: BirdLife International
Which animal is NOT an endangered species: Cross River Gorilla, Amur Leopard, Sumatran Elephant, or Bottlenose Dolphin?
Answer: Bottlenose Dolphin
What is the name of the international treaty aimed at protecting endangered species?
Answer: Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)
What is the name of the endangered species of sea turtle known for its heart-shaped shell?
Answer: Hawksbill sea turtle
What is the name of the conservation organization dedicated to protecting primates and their habitats?
Answer: The Jane Goodall Institute
What is the name of the largest conservation area in the world?
Answer: The Central Amazon Conservation Complex
What is the name of the conservation organization dedicated to protecting elephants and their habitats?
Answer: Elephant Crisis Fund
What is the name of the endangered species of bird known for its colorful beak?
Answer: The Atlantic puffin
What is the name of the conservation organization dedicated to protecting big cats and their habitats?
Answer: The Big Cat Initiative

What is the name of the conservation organization dedicated to protecting the world’s oceans?
Answer: Ocean Conservancy
What is the name of the critically endangered species of pangolin?
Answer: Sunda pangolin
What is the name of the conservation organization dedicated to protecting the rainforest?
Answer: Rainforest Alliance
Ways To Celebrate Earth Day And Help The Planet
People of all ages can spread awareness, plant trees, clean up their communities, and reduce plastic usage in their own homes! See how you can help with these smart and eco-conscious Earth Day tips.
- Instead of throwing your food scraps away in your regular garbage can, start a compost bin to reduce waste and improve soil health.
- To take it a step further, invest in something like the Lomi Smart Waste Kitchen Composter to turn your food scraps into compost within hours.
- Replace single-use plastic wraps with reusable silicone lid covers or reusable beeswax wraps for food storage.
- Participate in a community clean-up event to remove litter from local parks and beaches.
- Reduce water usage by fixing leaky faucets and taking shorter showers (the water doesn’t need to be on while you’re shampooing and conditioning your hair).
- Use reusable bags, water bottles, and coffee cups to reduce plastic waste.
- Use washable cloths or rags instead of disposable paper towels.
- Switch to energy-efficient light bulbs and appliances to reduce electricity usage.
- Bike, walk, take public transportation, or carpool with others instead of driving alone.
- Purchase products made from sustainable materials and support environmentally-conscious companies.
- Better yet, buy less stuff–period.
- For clothing, stop supporting fast-fashion brands (sadly, there are a lot of them out there). Instead, organize or attend a clothing swap with friends to refresh your wardrobe sustainably.
- For other stuff, opt for thrift stores/secondhand shops for home goods or online marketplaces like Poshmark or Mercari for clothes.
- Donate or sell items you no longer need instead of tossing them in the trash.
- Reduce meat consumption or transition to a plant-based diet to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
- Use natural cleaning products (Blueland, ECOS, Seventh Generation) and reduce household chemical usage.
Thanks for reading and participating in making the earth a better place!
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We hope with our Earth Day trivia questions and answers you were able to learn some new fun facts as well as find a way or two for you to make a positive impact this Earth Day.
And remember to try and celebrate Earth day EVERYDAY!
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