Multiple Choice Vocabulary Quiz: Can You Answer These 50 Questions Correctly?

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Have you ever found yourself fascinated by the sheer volume of words that make up the English language? From the delight of discovering new and obscure words to the satisfaction of using them in everyday conversation, vocabulary can be a really fun topic to just geek out about!

In this article, we present to you the ultimate vocabulary quiz! We’ve got questions about idioms, synonyms, and everything in between.

The first section of this post is dedicated to the questions alone, challenging you to test your lexical knowledge and see just how well-versed you are in the realm of words. It’s a chance to put your vocabulary to the test and perhaps even pick up a few new words along the way.

For those eager to know how they scored, head to the latter part of this article, where you’ll find the same questions, but this time, each question comes with its corresponding answer right underneath. It’s the perfect opportunity to learn, improve, and impress your friends with your newfound linguistic prowess!

So, whether you’re a logophile on a quest for word mastery or simply seeking some brain-teasing fun, let’s dive into the world of words with this vocabulary quiz. Are you up for the challenge? Let’s find out!

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Before we get started — we invite you to bookmark or save some of these other fun trivia quizzes for later!

Vocabulary Quiz: Warm-Up Round

Which word means “the act of pretending to be someone else”?

A) Parody
B) Identity theft
C) Facade
D) Impersonation

Wait, where are the answers? This section contains just the quiz questions. The answers are in the second half of this post! Use this section if you want to try this quiz out for yourself and don’t want answers to be revealed immediately.

If you’re serving the role of a “gamemaster” and quizzing your friends/family on the spot, use the section called “Vocabulary Quiz With Answers” instead.

Which word means “a feeling of intense longing for something far away or unattainable”?

A) Ambivalence
B) Nostalgia
C) Nonchalance
D) Resilience

What is the definition of “ambivalent”?

A) Having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone
B) Feeling joyous and carefree
C) Expressing strong approval
D) Being indifferent

What is the name for a word that imitates the sound it represents, such as “buzz” or “hiss”?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Onomatopoeia
D) Alliteration

Dictionary - Vocabulary Quiz Trivia

Vocabulary Quiz: All About Idioms

Question: What does the idiom “The Whole Kit and Caboodle” mean?

A) A complete set of tools and vehicles
B) A group of people gathered for a celebration
C) Everything, all parts or elements of something
D) A selection of clothing and accessories

Question: What is the origin of the idiom “Bite the Bullet”?

A) It refers to the act of chewing on a bullet during a battle for courage.
B) It signifies a painful dental procedure in the past.
C) It was coined by a famous dentist to describe bravery.
D) It originates from a bullet-shaped candy.

Question: What does the idiom “Chew the Fat” mean?

A) To discuss a hearty meal
B) To engage in casual conversation
C) To criticize someone’s cooking
D) To chew gum while talking

Question: What message does the idiom “Don’t Throw the Baby Out with the Bathwater” convey?

A) Be cautious when handling newborns.
B) Don’t discard something valuable while trying to eliminate something undesirable.
C) Always use clean water for bathing babies.
D) Babies should be bathed separately from adults.

Question: What does the idiom “Jump on the Bandwagon” mean?

A) To join a musical group
B) To enthusiastically support a popular trend or cause
C) To criticize a popular movement
D) To start a new trend or fashion trend

Question: What does the idiom “Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve” mean?

A) To keep your emotions hidden
B) To openly express your feelings
C) To be indifferent to emotions
D) To wear heart-shaped clothing

Question: What does the idiom “Pardon My French” refer to?

A) Asking for forgiveness for speaking in French
B) Requesting pardon for using offensive language
C) Apologizing for speaking a foreign language
D) Expressing remorse for using profanity

Question: What event inspired the idiom “The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread”?

A) The invention of the wheel
B) The discovery of fire
C) The introduction of sliced bread
D) The development of agriculture

Question: What historical context does the idiom “With Flying Colors” originate from?

A) The success of early aviation pioneers
B) The Age of Exploration and maritime victories
C) The invention of colorful flags
D) The popularity of hot air balloons

Question: What was the original comparison made in the idiom “Apple of My Eye”?

A) The pupil of the eye to a round apple
B) A person’s character to the taste of an apple
C) The color of someone’s eyes to a green apple
D) The reflection in one’s eyes to a shiny apple

Question: What did the idiom “Head Over Heels” originally describe?

A) A romantic attraction
B) A physical somersault or tumble
C) A state of confusion
D) A feeling of dizziness

Question: Where does the idiom “Buttering Up” have its origins?

A) Hindu tradition of offering ghee to deities
B) European butter-churning rituals
C) Ancient Greek customs
D) Roman culinary practices

Question: What does the idiom “Cutting the Mustard” mean?

A) Excelling in a specific task or meeting certain standards
B) Preparing a spicy mustard sauce
C) Dissecting a mustard plant for scientific research
D) Creating mustard-based artwork

Vocabulary Quiz: Define The Word

What does “limerence” mean?

A) The state of being lost in thought
B) A strong, involuntary emotional attachment to someone
C) An intense craving for sweets
D) A type of windstorm

What is the definition of “effulgent”?

A) Lacking energy or enthusiasm
B) Shining brightly; radiant
C) Excessively critical or fault-finding
D) Extremely rare or unusual

What does “ineffable” mean?

A) Easily explained in words
B) Indecisive or uncertain
C) Too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words
D) A sudden, intense burst of energy

What is the meaning of “sonorous”?

A) A person who is very wise and knowledgeable
B) Producing a deep, full, and rich sound
C) A long, tiresome journey
D) Easily influenced or controlled

What does “perspicacious” mean?

A) Showing great physical strength
B) Having a keen sense of judgment or insight
C) Tending to avoid confrontation or conflict
D) A state of deep relaxation

What is the definition of “crepuscular”?

A) Concerned with the study of ancient civilizations
B) Active or occurring during twilight or dawn
C) Involving sudden, unexpected changes
D) Extremely intricate or complicated

What does “ebullient” mean?

A) Lacking enthusiasm or energy
B) Overflowing with excitement, enthusiasm, or energy
C) Extremely cautious and reserved
D) Having a strong aversion to change

What is the meaning of “languor”?

A) A state of physical or mental weariness and listlessness
B) A type of large, flightless bird
C) A musical composition for a small ensemble
D) An intense feeling of joy and contentment

What does “serendipity” mean?

A) A sudden burst of anger
B) The occurrence of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way
C) The ability to read others’ thoughts
D) A type of rare gemstone

What is the definition of “effervescent”?

A) Producing bubbles; fizzy
B) Extremely quiet and reserved
C) Excessively talkative or chatty
D) Having a strong aversion to carbonated beverages

What does “ameliorate” mean?

A) To make something worse or more negative
B) To improve or make something better
C) To settle a dispute through legal means
D) To exaggerate the importance of something

What is the meaning of “ephemeral”?

A) Extremely long-lasting and enduring
B) Lasting for a very short time; fleeting
C) Involving complex mathematical calculations
D) A type of nocturnal insect

What does “ubiquitous” mean?

A) Limited to a specific location or region
B) Existing or being present everywhere at the same time
C) Extremely rare or hard to find
D) Capable of changing shape at will

What is the definition of “quixotic”?

A) Displaying a calm and composed demeanor
B) Excessively practical and realistic
C) Extremely idealistic, unrealistic, and impractical
D) Capable of adapting to various situations

What does “sesquipedalian” mean?

A) A type of prehistoric reptile
B) Having a long-winded, polysyllabic, or lengthy style of speech or writing
C) A person skilled in the art of sword fighting
D) A type of musical instrument

What is the meaning of “vicarious”?

A) Experienced through the imagination or feelings of another person
B) Experiencing intense physical pain
C) A state of complete isolation and solitude
D) A medical condition characterized by excessive daydreaming

What does “cacophony” mean?

A) A harmonious and pleasant combination of sounds
B) A loud and harsh mixture of sounds
C) A type of fragrant flower
D) A state of perfect silence and tranquility

What does “quagmire” mean?

A) A type of delicious dessert
B) A complex and confusing situation or predicament
C) A beautiful and serene natural landscape
D) A deep, narrow valley

Vocabulary Quiz: Fill In The Blank

Fill in the blank with the word that fits the best:

The speaker’s __ vocabulary impressed the audience with its richness and depth.

A) pedestrian
B) ubiquitous
C) eloquent
D) meager

The detective used his __ skills to decipher the cryptic message left by the suspect.

A) verbose
B) astute
C) mundane
D) chaotic

The artist’s masterpiece was characterized by its __ use of colors, creating a visually stunning effect.

A) cacophonous
B) monotonous
C) eclectic
D) chromatic

Her __ nature led her to explore various cultures, languages, and cuisines from around the world.

A) provincial
B) fastidious
C) enigmatic
D) cosmopolitan

The professor delivered a __ lecture on quantum physics, leaving the students both bewildered and fascinated.

A) concise
B) riveting
C) jaded
D) meticulous

The explorer embarked on a __ journey through the dense jungle, facing countless obstacles along the way.

A) serendipitous
B) perilous
C) serpentine
D) superfluous

The politician’s __ speech was filled with empty promises and vague statements.

A) laconic
B) loquacious
C) candid
D) disingenuous

The company’s __ growth in revenue over the past year was a testament to its effective marketing strategies.

A) exponential
B) stagnant
C) superficial
D) fortuitous

The orchestra’s performance was met with __ applause from the captivated audience.

A) sporadic
B) resounding
C) dissonant
D) imperceptible

The chef’s __ blend of spices gave the dish a unique and unforgettable flavor.

A) cacophonous
B) meager
C) tantalizing
D) pedantic

The company’s philanthropic efforts have had a __ impact on the local community, improving the lives of many, and helping the company gain more recognition.

A) negligible
B) ubiquitous
C) enigmatic
D) multifarious

The mountaineers faced the __ challenge of climbing the treacherous peaks during a blizzard.

A) arduous
B) succinct
C) placid
D) mercurial

Vocabulary Quiz With Answers: Warm-Up Round

Below are the same questions we just covered above, only with answers listed right under the questions. Use this section if you’re serving the role of a “gamemaster” and quizzing your friends/family on the spot!

Which word means “the act of pretending to be someone else”?

A) Parody
B) Identity theft
C) Facade
D) Impersonation

Answer: D) Impersonation

Which word means “a feeling of intense longing for something far away or unattainable”?

A) Ambivalence
B) Nostalgia
C) Nonchalance
D) Resilience

Answer: B) Nostalgia

What is the definition of “ambivalent”?

A) Having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone
B) Feeling joyous and carefree
C) Expressing strong approval
D) Being indifferent

Answer: A) Having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone

What is the name for a word that imitates the sound it represents, such as “buzz” or “hiss”?

A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Onomatopoeia
D) Alliteration

Answer: C) Onomatopoeia

Vocabulary Quiz With Answers: All About Idioms

Question: What does the idiom “The Whole Kit and Caboodle” mean?

A) A complete set of tools and vehicles
B) A group of people gathered for a celebration
C) Everything, all parts or elements of something
D) A selection of clothing and accessories

Answer: C) Everything, all parts or elements of something

Question: What is the origin of the idiom “Bite the Bullet”?

A) It refers to the act of chewing on a bullet during a battle for courage.
B) It signifies a painful dental procedure in the past.
C) It was coined by a famous dentist to describe bravery.
D) It originates from a bullet-shaped candy.

Answer: A) It refers to the act of chewing on a bullet during a battle for courage.

Question: What does the idiom “Chew the Fat” mean?

A) To discuss a hearty meal
B) To engage in casual conversation
C) To criticize someone’s cooking
D) To chew gum while talking

Answer: B) To engage in casual conversation

Question: What message does the idiom “Don’t Throw the Baby Out with the Bathwater” convey?

A) Be cautious when handling newborns.
B) Don’t discard something valuable while trying to eliminate something undesirable.
C) Always use clean water for bathing babies.
D) Babies should be bathed separately from adults.

Answer: B) Don’t discard something valuable while trying to eliminate something undesirable.

Question: What does the idiom “Jump on the Bandwagon” mean?

A) To join a musical group
B) To enthusiastically support a popular trend or cause
C) To criticize a popular movement
D) To start a new trend or fashion trend

Answer: B) To enthusiastically support a popular trend or cause

Question: What does the idiom “Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve” mean?

A) To keep your emotions hidden
B) To openly express your feelings
C) To be indifferent to emotions
D) To wear heart-shaped clothing

Answer: B) To openly express your feelings

Question: What does the idiom “Pardon My French” refer to?

A) Asking for forgiveness for speaking in French
B) Requesting pardon for using offensive language
C) Apologizing for speaking a foreign language
D) Expressing remorse for using profanity

Answer: B) Requesting pardon for using offensive language

Question: What historical context does the idiom “With Flying Colors” originate from?

A) The success of early aviation pioneers
B) The Age of Exploration and maritime victories
C) The invention of colorful flags
D) The popularity of hot air balloons

Answer: B) The Age of Exploration and maritime victories

Question: What did the idiom “Head Over Heels” originally describe in the 1300s?

A) A romantic attraction
B) A physical somersault or tumble
C) A state of confusion
D) A feeling of dizziness

Answer: B) A physical somersault or tumble. In the 1300s, the phrase “head over heels” was used more literally to describe someone tumbling through a handstand or cartwheel, but by the 1800s writers had begun to use the phrase idiomatically to describe someone who had fallen hopelessly in love.

Question: Where does the idiom “Buttering Up” have its origins?

A) Hindu tradition of offering ghee to deities
B) European butter-churning rituals
C) Ancient Greek customs
D) Roman culinary practices

Answer: A) Hindu tradition of offering ghee to deities.

Trivia Fun Fact

“Buttering Up”

To butter someone up is to beguile them, or to lavish them with praise to get what you want. The idiom evolved from the very literal buttering that takes place as part of the Hindu tradition of throwing balls of clarified butter (called ghee) at the statues of deities. In exchange for the offering, it was thought that buttered-up gods would reward the faithful with a good harvest.

Question: What does the idiom “Cutting the Mustard” mean?

A) Excelling in a specific task or meeting certain standards
B) Preparing a spicy mustard sauce
C) Dissecting a mustard plant for scientific research
D) Creating mustard-based artwork

Answer: A) Excelling in a specific task or meeting certain standards

Vocabulary Quiz With Answers: Define The Word

What does “limerence” mean?

A) The state of being lost in thought
B) A strong, involuntary emotional attachment to someone
C) An intense craving for sweets
D) A type of windstorm

Answer: B) A strong, involuntary emotional attachment to someone

What is the definition of “effulgent”?

A) Lacking energy or enthusiasm
B) Shining brightly; radiant
C) Excessively critical or fault-finding
D) Extremely rare or unusual

Answer: B) Shining brightly; radiant

What does “ineffable” mean?

A) Easily explained in words
B) Indecisive or uncertain
C) Too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words
D) A sudden, intense burst of energy

Answer: C) Too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words

What is the meaning of “sonorous”?

A) A person who is very wise and knowledgeable
B) Producing a deep, full, and rich sound
C) A long, tiresome journey
D) Easily influenced or controlled

Answer: B) Producing a deep, full, and rich sound

What does “perspicacious” mean?

A) Showing great physical strength
B) Having a keen sense of judgment or insight
C) Tending to avoid confrontation or conflict
D) A state of deep relaxation

Answer: B) Having a keen sense of judgment or insight

What is the definition of “crepuscular”?

A) Concerned with the study of ancient civilizations
B) Active or occurring during twilight or dawn
C) Involving sudden, unexpected changes
D) Extremely intricate or complicated

Answer: B) Active or occurring during twilight or dawn

What does “ebullient” mean?

A) Lacking enthusiasm or energy
B) Overflowing with excitement, enthusiasm, or energy
C) Extremely cautious and reserved
D) Having a strong aversion to change

Answer: B) Overflowing with excitement, enthusiasm, or energy

What is the meaning of “languor”?

A) A state of physical or mental weariness and listlessness
B) A type of large, flightless bird
C) A musical composition for a small ensemble
D) An intense feeling of joy and contentment

Answer: A) A state of physical or mental weariness and listlessness

What does “serendipity” mean?

A) A sudden burst of anger
B) The occurrence of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way
C) The ability to read others’ thoughts
D) A type of rare gemstone

Answer: B) The occurrence of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way

What is the definition of “effervescent”?

A) Producing bubbles; fizzy
B) Extremely quiet and reserved
C) Excessively talkative or chatty
D) Having a strong aversion to carbonated beverages

Answer: A) Producing bubbles; fizzy

What does “ameliorate” mean?

A) To make something worse or more negative
B) To improve or make something better
C) To settle a dispute through legal means
D) To exaggerate the importance of something

Answer: B) To improve or make something better

What is the meaning of “ephemeral”?

A) Extremely long-lasting and enduring
B) Lasting for a very short time; fleeting
C) Involving complex mathematical calculations
D) A type of nocturnal insect

Answer: B) Lasting for a very short time; fleeting

What does “ubiquitous” mean?

A) Limited to a specific location or region
B) Existing or being present everywhere at the same time
C) Extremely rare or hard to find
D) Capable of changing shape at will

Answer: B) Existing or being present everywhere at the same time

What is the definition of “quixotic”?

A) Displaying a calm and composed demeanor
B) Excessively practical and realistic
C) Extremely idealistic, unrealistic, and impractical
D) Capable of adapting to various situations

Answer: C) Extremely idealistic, unrealistic, and impractical

What does “sesquipedalian” mean?

A) A type of prehistoric reptile
B) Having a long-winded, polysyllabic, or lengthy style of speech or writing
C) A person skilled in the art of sword fighting
D) A type of musical instrument

Answer: B) Having a long-winded, polysyllabic, or lengthy style of speech or writing

What is the meaning of “vicarious”?

A) Experienced through the imagination or feelings of another person
B) Experiencing intense physical pain
C) A state of complete isolation and solitude
D) A medical condition characterized by excessive daydreaming

Answer: A) Experienced through the imagination or feelings of another person

What does “cacophony” mean?

A) A harmonious and pleasant combination of sounds
B) A loud and harsh mixture of sounds
C) A type of fragrant flower
D) A state of perfect silence and tranquility

Answer: B) A loud and harsh mixture of sounds

What does “quagmire” mean?

A) A type of delicious dessert
B) A complex and confusing situation or predicament
C) A beautiful and serene natural landscape
D) A deep, narrow valley

Answer: B) A complex and confusing situation or predicament

Vocabulary Quiz With Answers: Fill In The Blank

Fill in the blank with the word that fits the best:

The speaker’s __ vocabulary impressed the audience with its richness and depth.

A) pedestrian
B) ubiquitous
C) eloquent
D) meager

Answer: C) eloquent

The detective used his __ skills to decipher the cryptic message left by the suspect.

A) verbose
B) astute
C) mundane
D) chaotic

Answer: B) astute

The artist’s masterpiece was characterized by its __ use of colors, creating a visually stunning effect.

A) cacophonous
B) monotonous
C) eclectic
D) chromatic

Answer: D) chromatic

Her __ nature led her to explore various cultures, languages, and cuisines from around the world.

A) provincial
B) fastidious
C) enigmatic
D) cosmopolitan

Answer: D) cosmopolitan

The professor delivered a __ lecture on quantum physics, leaving the students both bewildered and fascinated.

A) concise
B) riveting
C) jaded
D) meticulous

Answer: B) riveting

The explorer embarked on a __ journey through the dense jungle, facing countless obstacles along the way.

A) serendipitous
B) perilous
C) serpentine
D) superfluous

Answer: B) perilous

The politician’s __ speech was filled with empty promises and vague statements.

A) laconic
B) loquacious
C) candid
D) disingenuous

Answer: D) disingenuous

The company’s __ growth in revenue over the past year was a testament to its effective marketing strategies.

A) exponential
B) stagnant
C) superficial
D) fortuitous

Answer: A) exponential

The orchestra’s performance was met with __ applause from the captivated audience.

A) sporadic
B) resounding
C) dissonant
D) imperceptible

Answer: B) resounding

The chef’s __ blend of spices gave the dish a unique and unforgettable flavor.

A) cacophonous
B) meager
C) tantalizing
D) pedantic

Answer: C) tantalizing

The company’s philanthropic efforts have had a __ impact on the local community, improving the lives of many, and helping the company gain more recognition.

A) negligible
B) ubiquitous
C) enigmatic
D) multifarious

Answer: D) multifarious

The mountaineers faced the __ challenge of climbing the treacherous peaks during a blizzard.

A) arduous
B) succinct
C) placid
D) mercurial

Answer: A) arduous

If you enjoyed reading this article, check out some of our other trivia topics and quizzes:

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Elle Liang

Elle is a travel blogger and entertainment publisher by day and a trivia fanatic by night. Her favorite hobbies include hiking mountains, traveling anywhere in the world, watching documentaries, playing bingo, and brushing up on world knowledge through games like Trivial Pursuit.

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